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This surgery is a plastic surgery type for enhancing the thigh's appearance.

Thigh Lift in Turkey

Thigh lift surgery is a plastic surgery type for enhancing the thighs’ appearance by correcting issues such as excess skin and fat and reshaping the underlying tissue.


Thigh lift procedure
Thigh lift surgery takes from two to four hours and is performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Incisions are made either on the inner or outer thigh, depending on the focus area and the desired outcome. Excess fat and skin are removed, and underlying tissue is reshaped. Liposuction is often included in the procedure for excess fat removal, but this will depend on the agreement made with your surgeon previously during the consultation appointment.


Patient profile
Thigh lifts are generally sought by patients seeking to improve their thighs’ shape and achieve a toned appearance by changing the contours, smoothing the skin, and removing excess skin and fat. Patients with good skin elasticity and no other issues except excess fat are encouraged to consider liposuction instead of a thigh lift. You should be healthy, at a stable weight, and ideally a nonsmoker in order to have a thigh lift.


During thigh lift consultations, the following is discussed: surgical goals; medical history; substances used currently, including medications, supplements, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco; current health status; the expected outcome; postoperative care and potential complications.
The body is carefully measured and examined, and photographs are taken. Options for the thigh lift surgery are discussed, after which the surgeon recommends an appropriate course of treatment.


It is advised to make full use of the consultation appointment in order to make as informed of a decision as possible. It is essential for the procedure’s success to honestly answer all of the surgeon’s inquiries and openly ask about anything requiring clarification.

Before Thigh lift

The following may be requested from you before having your thigh lift surgery:


• Getting tests for health evaluation


• Avoiding nicotine


• Avoiding aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements


• Taking specific medications or adjusting current medication


Postoperative care & recovery
After the thigh lift, bandages are placed over the incisions as they heal. Thin tubes might be placed under the skin for draining any build-up of excess blood or fluids. You are instructed on what medication to use for healing and how to take care of the treated area during your recovery. A follow-up appointment is arranged.


The skin in the incision area should always be handled gently without exposure to any abrasive motion. Any form of physical strain should be avoided at the beginning stages of your recovery.


Two to three weeks are needed in most cases to return to normal activities. The results of the thigh lift surgery are noticeable immediately after the procedure. Still, you should expect to see the final results only after external and internal healing is complete and the swelling and bruising go down entirely, which might take several months.


Scars remaining after the thigh lift fade over time, and the skin in the thigh area should improve in texture and appearance after the procedure.


It is advised to make inquires with your surgeon concerning the period immediately after the surgery and during recovery. You may have questions about where you will be placed after the surgery, what medications you will be given, and when to arrange an appointment for follow-up care.